The "GREEK PANORAMA" B2B Roadshow for Greece in the US is an important project which brings together hotels, travel agencies and destinations from Greece to meet with travel agents and tour operators from San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco, in February 2019.

The program in California includes:
  • 25th of February 2019: San Diego B2B Meetings
  • 27th of February 2019: Los Angeles B2B Meetings
  • 28th of February 2019: San Francisco B2B Meetings
For the second time ASTA endorses a program for promoting tourism to Greece, in a roadshow business meeting event in 3 major US cities, allowing both sides to form co-operations and create new market & sales opportunities.
The “GREEK PANORMA” B2B Roadshow for Greece is strongly supported through FedHATTA and is a major contributor to this event, as it is the nationwide representative of approximately 2.500 travel agencies from all over Greece in the all respective national, European and international organizations.
Company North Events has organized similar successful B2B meeting events for the tourism industry in May 2017, New York, and in May 2018 in N.Y, Boston, and Washington D.C. effectively managing hundreds of meetings, and has also acquired a long experience in planning similar events and exhibitions for Greece in important European markets, such as Sweden and Poland. 
Here are a few comments from our last year’s business event in May, by American attending travel agencies:
“A great idea to bring this Show here in New York! Very nicely organized, many people, meetings very constructive, i am very satisfied”
Irene Sino, President of Panorama Travel
“Interesting, very well organised. Got to meet people, unique experience, we will add Greece to our Portfolio” 
Supinder Singh, Palace Tours
“I had great time at the Β&Βs! Learnt many new things about the resources, had many contacts and all these will help me close more deals and bring more people to Greece!”
Amy Vecchione of Aventina Romance Travel & Events
“We deal with Travelling and investing in Greece! This event is the biggest that has come to NY regarding Greece! Happy to participate! We hope it continues, Thnk you for coming to NYC and opening new roads! ”
Anatoly Veltman, Managing Director M3 Capital LLC

“Very excited to be here! Very excited to present to our customers all the findings we had here today! All the adventures one can enjoy in Greece and we did not know about it! thanks to the Greek Panorama Travel Show! ”
Stacey Green Gypsy Adventure Travel
“Wonderful Event! Met some of the most important Greek Tourism players! Thank you for one of the best events I have ever attended in the travel industry”
DR Abbey Muneer, HOTW Family Funds
“I learnt many things regarding Tourism in Greece! Found Greek Panorama Travel Show very helpful and informative! Should take place twice a year! Helps Greece, Helps all of us here in USA to understand Greek Tourism! ”
Aristides Philip Duval, Travel Planner International
Organizer: Company North Events 
Official Supporters: American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) & Federation of Hellenic Associations of Tourist and Travel Agencies (FedHATTA)
Under the Auspices of:  Greek Ministry of Tourism, Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE), Federation of Hellenic Associations of Tourist and Travel Agencies (FedHATTA), Hellenic Hoteliers Federation and the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels. 

Bilateral Talks

  • Participants107
  • Meetings Requested890
  • Meetings Accepted417


Profile views

  • Before Event3615
  • After Event123933


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Supported by

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  • San Diego

    Los Angeles

    San Francisco